Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Basic Manifesto to reinvent myself and my world.

My manifesto is a basic one. I claim responsibility for self and my actions. By that I mean from my birth on. At least my part in the time and space I moved through. I claim responsibility for the health of the planet.Service by example. To walk in the open for now on. I invite critics to expose me as, one being, trying. I will dream out loud and for all to see. The law of one. The one is Love. The opposite side of Love is not hate it is fear. Fear will lie, cheat and steal. I will live a life of Love. I will Love the life I live. I will learn to think of L.A.W.= Love Always Wins.. Be. Do.Have. " The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others"....Gandhi
"What ever you are be a good one"...Abe Lincoln
It will not matter how slow I go as long as I do not ..stop. Mitch Stein Sr.

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